Community Guidelines

It’s important to us that the experiences and perspectives shared on PUSH help foster an inclusive community. We’ve developed these Guidelines as a way to help you understand the types of content and dialogue to avoid in order to help us achieve this. We ask that you seek to understand their spirit and intent, and work with us to uphold them.


In short, acknowledge others’ sensitivities and viewpoints, and seek to add to the conversation, rather than detract from it.

The Basics


While there are a number of factors that we evaluate to determine whether or not we remove content, there are some basic rules that everyone on PUSH should follow.


Do not post content that:


Do not engage in dialogue or behaviour that:


Please note that breaking the Guidelines outlined here may result in the removal of your content and/or the temporary or permanent disabling of your account.


By using PUSH, you agree to uphold our Community Guidelines and our Terms of Service.